Work in Progress. The data you add, might get deleted. Read more.

Geborduurde zakdoek waarop afgebeeld een kotomisi met daarboven de tekst Suriname

Beeld / hoofd (figuurvoorstelling)
Uhunmwu elao ọghe Iy’ọba
Data provider or current object holder: Wereldmuseum, Leiden



A short description about the object
Afbeelding van een Iyoba (koningin-moeder) met een halskraag van 37 opeengestapelde kralensnoeren die wordt omgeven door een drie cm. brede sokkelplint. Het hoofd is bedekt met een konische voorovergebogen muts van netvormig verwerkte kralen. Behalve de kraag, ogen en oren is het gehele oppervlak gepunteerd. Verspreid over de kop zitten 37 rondjes in reliëf. De bek wordt omgeven door een gedeeltelijk opengewerkte kraag.
Provided by Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen and Wereldmuseum


What kind of material is used. Click on the i of the material to lean more.
Provided by Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen and Wereldmuseum


What is the height, width and depth.
No Dimensions available

Date Made

When was the object made. Could be a exact or a date range.
19e eeuw
Provided by Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen and Wereldmuseum


Description needed
No Types available


Description needed
No Techniques available


Description needed
No Creators available

Local Context Notices

The Local Context notices support the inclusion of local protocols for access and use to cultural heritage that is digitally circulating outside community contexts. Learn more about the Local Context notices.

Notice: Attribution Incomplete

Collections and items in our institution have incomplete, inaccurate, and/or missing attribution. We are using this notice to clearly identify this material so that it can be updated, or corrected by communities of origin. Our institution is committed to collaboration and partnerships to address this problem of incorrect or missing attribution.
Logo local context
Approved by chief Chan of the indigenous tribe.
Provided by Colobial Collections Datahub
This is a default notice if no other labels or notices are asigned.


Provenance information shows the trail an object has made before it came at the current location. It can contain information about previous owners to technical processing information.
This provenance data is often incomplete. We encourage you to complement this data.

Provenance timeline

In the timeline visualisation provenance items are plotted out by time. Click on a item focus that item. Provenance items P8, P9 and p10 are not plotted on the timeline because we have no dates available.
Dutch intervention in Lombok and Karangasem (Wikipedia)
Of this segment much is unknown. Do you know more of this?

Provenance data table

1866-01-07 1866-01-07
Tranferred to R.C. van Prehn Wiese
The provider qualified this information as probably
Provided by Museum Bronbeek

Tranferred from Museum Bronbeek
Tranferred to R.C. van Prehn Wiese
Type: Purchase
Location: Amsterdam
Provided by Ifeoma Adeyemi
Behalf of the Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā community
on 02-15-2024
No date
Tranferred to F.A.A. Duynstee
Provided by Museum Bronbeek

Provenance map

Data provider or current object holder

The data of this object is provided by:

Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen and Wereldmuseum
Willemskade 25,
3016 DM Rotterdam,

Reference or object ID by the the data provider